Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan

A Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) has been prepared to provide guidance in response to major disasters throughout the County. The plan has the following sections which specifically address different portions of the response:

Basic Plan Sections
Response Functions - Emergency Support Functions (ESFs)
Continuity of Operations (COOP)

The Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and all sections are reviewed and updated annually. To view the entire (388 page) plan see the Documents section on this page.


 Washington County Hazard Mitigation Plan

Local officials worked together to develop a plan which aims to reduce Washington County’s overall risk from future hazard events such as flooding, tornadoes and winter storms. The plan was funded by a FEMA grant. The plan was developed through a joint effort between the County’s Office of Emergency Management, the Planning and Parks Department, the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC) and all 20 Washington County local jurisdictions.

Engaging in all hazards mitigation provides jurisdictions with a number of benefits.
Benefits include reduced loss of life, property, essential services, critical facilities and economic hardship and reduced short-term and long-term recovery and reconstruction costs. The community also gains increased cooperation and communication through the planning process and increased potential for state and federal funding for mitigation projects.

Click here to view the Washington County Hazard Mitigation Plan.


Local Emergency Planning Committee


What is the LEPC?
Under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, each County in Wisconsin is designated as an Emergency Planning District with a local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC). LEPC membership is broad and includes representatives from; elected state and local officials, emergency management, law enforcement, fire service, local health, emergency medical service, local media personnel, community groups and industry.

What is the role of the LEPC?

Emergency Planning
Enables communities as a whole to prepare for hazardous chemical releases through emergency planning. This planning also provides information and facilitates training for the first responders who are called upon to protect the public in the event of a chemical accident. Your LEPC can provide you with information on evacuation routes, shelter-in-place procedures and other information you may need to help your family plan for a chemical emergency.

Community Right-to-Know
Increases awareness of chemical hazards in your community and allows you and your local government to obtain information about chemical hazards. If you are concerned about the types, amounts or locations of chemicals stored in your community, contact your LEPC.

Where are Hazardous Chemicals Found?
Hazardous chemicals are commonly stored at many businesses or industrial sites in above- or below-ground tanks, or in drums, cylinders, cans, bags, bottles, jugs or other containers.

How Do I contact my LEPC?
Please call: Rob Schmid at 262-335-4399