Comprehensive Plan 2035 Chapters

Comprehensive Plan Chapters 

The entire Multi-jurisdictional Comprehensive Plan for Washington County: 2035 entire document is located below in the Document Container. Or click on the chapter title or appendix to view documents separately.

Comprehensive Plan Executive Summary

Cover and Table of Contents
Chapter I Introduction and Background
Chapter II Population, Household, and Employment Trends and Projections
Chapter III Inventory of Agricultural, Natural and Cultural Resources
Chapter IV Inventory of Existing Land Uses and Transportation Facilities and Services
Chapter V Inventory of Existing Utilities and Community Facilities
Chapter VI Existing Plans and Ordinances: 2006
Chapter VII Issues and Opportunities Element
Chapter VIII Agricultural, Natural and Cultural Resources Element
Chapter IX Land Use Element
Map Washington County Land Use Plan: 2035
Chapter X Housing Element
Chapter XI Transportation Element
Chapter XII Utilities and Community Facilities Element
Chapter XIII Economic Development Element
Chapter XIV Intergovernmental Cooperation Element
Chapter XV Implementation Element
Chapter XVI Summary

Appendix A Public Participation
Appendix B County and Local Government Resolutions to Participate in the Multi-Jurisdictional Planning Process
Appendix C Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes
Appendix D Local Government, School District, and privately owned Park and Open Space Sites in Washington County: 2007
Appendix E Codes for Year 2000 Land Use Maps in Chapter IV
Appendix F Draft Goals and Objectives Developed by Partnering Communities
Appendix G Zoning Tables for Local Government Partners
Appendix H Summary of Land Use Related Extraterritorial Authorities
Appendix I Responses to Comprehensive Planning Telephone Survey in Washington County
Appendix J Washington County Visioning Workshop Results
Appendix K Town of Germantown Comprehensive Plan
Appendix L Households with Housing Problems for Each Participating Local Government
Appendix M Households with a High Cost Burden for Each Participating Local Government
Appendix N Washington County Economic Development Strategic Plan: 2006-2007
Appendix O Economic Development Programs and Grants Available in Washington County
Appendix P Dispute Resolution Rules and Bylaws
Appendix Q Comparison of Local and County Land Use Plan Categories
Appendix R County Board Resolution Approving the Comprehensive Plan
Appendix S County Board Ordinance Adopting the Comprehensive Plan

Comprehensive Plan Amendments Below in Document Container.