WEST BEND, WI - New mountain bike trails in Slinger at Heritage Trails County Park are now open for riding. In 2021, Washington County partnered with Metro Mountain Bikers (MMB) to develop bike trails at Heritage Trails. Since their opening, daily visitors to the park have increased 272%. In recent years, it was estimated that 82% of these riders are from outside Washington County, creating roughly $500,000 in visitor spending.
“Heritage Trails is quickly becoming a regional MTB (mountain bike) destination drawing mountain bike riders from surrounding states. The diversity of high-quality trails, natural beauty, and geographical location makes Heritage unique and special to the Midwest MTB scene” said Tom Hartman, Trails Project Lead for Metro Mountain Bikers.
Late last season, MMB completed three new riding trails now open for the season, Young Guns, Dirt Waves, and Gun Slinger:
- Young Guns is the perfect blue trail for all skill levels looking to get into jumping and hangtime.
- Gun Slinger is an advanced intermediate trail with many dirt jump features like a cannon log, rainbow ride and lots of kickers.
- Dirt Waves is designed and constructed for intermediate-and-up skill level riders. This trail is for riders who are looking for the fun factor who love turns and berms and ups and downs.
Planning for future phases of mountain biking is well underway. To receive information on opportunities for public comment on the future plan, provide your contact information here: Heritage Trails Mountain Biking Planning - Contact Information (office.com)
PLEASE NOTE: Heavy rains impact trail conditions and require temporary closures during repairs.
Please check the Metro Mountain Bike Facebook Page and Website for updates regarding ongoing projects, trail closures, and condition reports. https://www.metromountainbikers.com/
Also, on Thursday, May 30, at 5 p.m., be aware that the Slinger Fire Department and Metro Mountain Biking will host a simulated rescue on the park trails.