Brownfields Site Redevelopment Program
What is a brownfield? A brownfield is an underutilized, idled or abandoned property for which the expansion, redevelopment or reuse may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant or contaminant.
Funding Sources
Environmental Site Assessment - The Washington County Board of Supervisors approved $600,000 to establish the Washington County Brownfields Assessment Fund. Eligible uses of this fund include phase I and phase II environmental site assessments, re-using planning, and environmental reporting. Click here to download the Washington County Assessment Fund Information Sheet.
Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund - The Washington County Board of Supervisors approved $1,000,000 to establish a Washington County Revolving Loan Fund. The Washington County Revolving Loan Fund is a part of Economic Development Washington County's Impact Revolving Loan Fund. This loan program provides funding for hazardous material testing, remedial action plans, environmental planning, remediation of contamination, asbestos abatement, demolition and reconstruction of brownfield sites. Click here to download the County RLF Information Sheet.
US EPA Revolving Loan Fund - The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) awarded the Site Redevelopment Program (SRP) works cooperatively with Economic Development Washington County to implement loans, support the remediation of contaminated sites, analyze brownfield cleanup alternatives, and create community involvement plans. Click here to download the US EPA RLF Information Sheet.
Success Stories
Use the link below to view the Current Success Stories ArcGIS StoryMap below and visualize the projects that are revitalizing these contaminated sites.
Current Success Stories (StoryMap)
The Washington County SRP continues to show success in spurring successful redevelopment projects, resulting in millions of dollars in leveraged funds. This program continues to provide Washington County and its communities with a wide range benefits including increased tax base, increased employment opportunities, assessment of hazardous and petroleum contaminated brownfield sites and reuse/redevelopment opportunity analysis.
View PDF of SRP Success Infographic
This success is due in part to the collaborative nature of the program. Coalition Partners, which include the Cities of Hartford and West Bend, the Villages of Germantown, Jackson, Kewaskum, Richfield, and Slinger and Washington County work together to share resources and direct US EPA and dedicated Washington County brownfield funds where they are most needed. The SRP's Project Management Team (PMT), which includes experts in environmental remediation, economic development, and redevelopment/reuse planning, helps the Site Redevelopment Committee (SRC) prioritize projects and make good use of the funds.