Floodplain Map Amendments Open House
Posted on 04/09/2024

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is hosting a Flood Risk Open House for property owners regarding Preliminary Floodplain Study Map Amendments. There are over 8,700 parcels within the floodplain study that will receive a postcard from Washington County.

Approximately 71% of the parcels will see a net decrease in the total area of floodplain on their property or a minimal change (+/- .1 acres). An estimated 29% of parcels will see an increase in the floodplain zone on their property. The areas of the County most impacted are in the north half and southeast part of the County. The floodplain maps in the southwest portion of the County are being updated due to a required change by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) related to the model used to measure positions on Earth, that results in very little impact on the floodplain zone.

Areas of a studied floodplain that are designated flood fringe or flood storage may provide a property owner with development options that were either not available or required expensive engineering analysis in unstudied floodplains. Impacted property owners should look for a postcard this week inviting them to attend the open house on May 2 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m.at the Washington County Fair Park – Ziegler Building, 3000 CTH PV., West Bend, WI  53095. The postcards will generally indicate whether a property will have an increase or decrease in floodplain zone but does not indicate the locations of the floodplain changes. Interested property owners can visit https://www.washcowisco.gov/landresources to view the preliminary mapping changes as it relates to the existing floodplain zone through a search by address or tax parcel.

The new floodplain study and draft maps utilize better data and ground surface to best represent where there is a higher chance of flooding. Property owners need to be aware of the potential impact and are encouraged to attend the open house if they have questions or concerns. At the Open House, representatives from various local, state, and federal agencies will be available to provide the most current information about flood risk, flood insurance, floodplain development regulations, and the process used to map Washington County’s floodplains.

FLOODPLAIN STUDY OPEN HOUSE: May 2, 2024 from 4pm - 7pm at the Washington County Fair Park & Conference enter - Ziegler Building, 3000 CTH PV, West Bend