
Budget Information

Budget, Policy & Analytics (BPA) provides technical assistance to County leadership and departments. One main objective of BPA is to prepare and administer the County's operating and capital budgets. Visit BPA's website for further information. 

Copy of Military Records

The Washington County Veteran's Service Offices primary mission is to assist, Washington County veterans and their families, in obtaining State and Federal Veteran benefits which each veteran is entitled, due to his/her active military service. Visit the Veterans Services site for further information.

Driveway Permit

The Washington County Highway Department issues permits for various types of activities or improvements occurring within County Trunk Highway right-of-way. Visit the Highway Department's site for further information.

Park Pass

The 2021 annual park stickers are available for purchase online and prices remain unchanged from 2020.  You will be taken to the Park Passes website when you click this link.

Park Reservation

To make a reservation, visit the Planning and Parks site and follow the links to the park where you wish to make a reservation. Then navigate to the specific shelter or venue and make the reservation.

Planning and Parks Permit

Washington County administers and enforces ordinances within the unincorporated areas of Washington County.  For general zoning questions, please contact the local municipality. Visit the Planning and Parks site for further information.

Shared Ride Taxi Information

The Shared Ride Taxi provides service to the general public, and door to door transportation for the elderly and disabled within Washington County. Visit the Transit website for further information.

Veteran Burial Marker

The Washington County Veteran's Service Offices primary mission is to assist, Washington County veterans and their families, in obtaining State and Federal Veteran benefits which each veteran is entitled, due to his/her active military service. Visit the Veterans Services site for further information.