Participating Agency Information

Contact Us

  • Debora SielskiCommunity Development Director

    Community Development Department

    Phone:262-335-4445Email: Heart & Homestead

    Days Available:Monday - FridayHours Available:8:00am - 4:30pm

Is your nonprofit organization looking to engage new volunteers and donors?

Sign up to become a Participating Agency with Washington County’s new Heart and Homestead Earned Down Payment Incentive and get connected with a stream of dedicated Washington County residents eager to invest their time and resources into the community!

Nonprofits, schools, places of worship, fire and EMS departments, sports organizations, civic organizations, local governments, and any other tax-exempt entity could qualify to become a Participating Agency!

Contact the Community Development Department to learn how your organization can sign up at [email protected].

Heart & Homestead Recipients serve to provide a stronger base of resources for local organizations. By volunteering their time and financially donating to Participating Agencies, Recipients will help the nonprofits have a bigger impact on the Washington County community. The volunteer aspect of the Incentive uplifts the community by incorporating new residents into the fabric of society.

Image of Volunteers Image of Volunteers with Dog

Participating Agency Eligibility

  1. Must enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with Washington County spelling out obligations for participation.
  2. Must originate in and/or directly serve residents of Washington County.
  3. Must be willing to track and approve Recipient volunteer hours and monetary donations via an online portal.
  4. Must have current tax-exempt status under the IRS and must maintain tax-exempt status throughout the duration of the MOA. Organizations must provide proof of tax-exempt status to Washington County.
  5. Must provide proof of liability insurance covering volunteers naming Washington County as a Certificate Holder.

How do Recipients "earn" their Incentive with a Participating Agency?

The Incentive may be earned over the first 5 years following the closing on the home through:

- Volunteer time with Participating Agencies

  • Earned at $25 per hour for every 1 hour of volunteer time

- Financially donating to Participating Agencies

  • Earned at 70 cents for every $1 donated

As they volunteer, Recipients will likely help increase the Participating Agencies resources to better serve the Washington County community. These volunteers will likely bring unique new skillset to the organizations, helping them achieve strategic goals that they may not otherwise be able to achieve.

Similarly with financial donations from Recipients, the Participating Agencies can help fund their initiatives and programs, all of which will contribute to the prosperity of Washington County’s economy.

Participating Agency Responsibilities

  1. Approve volunteer hours and monetary donations in an online portal on a quarterly basis. Washington County will send email reminders.
  2. Review a quarterly statement of volunteer time and monetary donations logged with your organization. Inform Washington County of any mistakes/discrepancies.
  3. (Optional) If you would like information about your organization’s major events emailed to Recipients, send Washington County information about the event at least 1-2 months prior to the event date.

How do Recipients get connected to Participating Agencies?

Washington County staff will meet with each Recipient household following their home closing. During the meeting, staff will gather information about the household members’ interests and skills and match them with Participating Agencies that have a need for similar volunteers. Recipients will be provided with a complete list of Participating Agencies including contact information for how to start volunteering.

Participating Agencies have the discretion to select or deny volunteers based on need, qualifications, background check requirements, etc.

For more information about becoming a Participating Agency or qualifying volunteer or donation opportunities, please contact the Community Development Department.

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