Land Information Plan

To participate in the Wisconsin Land Information Program, each county must establish a Land Information Office and prepare a Land Information Plan. With an approved plan, a county may retain $8 of the recording fee for each real estate document recorded by the Register of Deeds. These retained funds are required by 59.72(5)(b)(3) of Wis. State Statute to fund the local land information program and must be solely used to implement activities identified in the Land Information Plan.

Plan Summary

This plan is the ninth update to the original Washington County Land Information Modernization Plan completed in 1992. The original plan and its 1998, 2003, 2005, 2010, 2014, 2015, 2018, 2021, and 2024 updates documented previous GIS/LIS goals and objectives and established a framework for initial and future program development.

This plan was prepared in accordance to the “Uniform Instructions for Preparing County Land Information Plans” dated March 2024 and describes land information projects for the 2025-2027 time period. The emphasis of this plan is to 1) maintain and enhance the infrastructure and data acquired under the previous plans, 2) continue to collect and efficiently disseminate quality data to all Washington County Departments, other levels of government and the general public, and 3) expand the use and integration of land information and GIS throughout Washington County.

Reviewed and approved:

11/21/2024 Land Information Council

 Washington County Land Information Plan: 2024 Update

Previous Versions of the Washington County Land Information Plan

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