The congregate nutrition program offers people age 60+ the opportunity to enjoy a hot lunch with other seniors. Available weekdays, unless otherwise noted. Closed on holidays. Reservations must be made at least one day in advance by noon. Call the meal site to reserve a meal. Cancellations should also be called in by noon the day before. Meal sites are open from 9am to 1pm. See below for locations.
Home Delivered Meals
Hot lunches can be delivered to homebound individuals age 60 and over who meet all eligibility requirements. Call 262-335-4497 for details. Low sugar dessert or an additional cold meal option available.
January Senior Dining Menu
Your Help is Wanted!
Volunteers Needed for Home Delivered Meal Program in Hartford
Looking to make a difference in someone’s life? Can you give one hour each week to take noon meals to our home-bound seniors or help serve meals at one of our congregate sites? The Washington County Senior Dining program counts on volunteers to keep our program running smoothly!
There are a few volunteer opportunities that exist in our Senior Dining Program:
- Assisting the meal site manager with various tasks; like helping pack up the home delivered meals or setting tables and serving food to the participants eating at the site.
- Being a volunteer driver. Volunteer drivers are often needed to deliver noontime meals to our participants. This is generally a one-hour time commitment and can be done with a spouse, family members or a friend.
- For more information about any of these volunteer opportunities, please contact the ADRC at (262) 335-4497 or by Email.