Cedar Creek Farmers

The Milwaukee River is plagued with water quality degradation caused in part by elevated levels of phosphorous, bacteria, and sediment-laden runoff. Cedar Creek and its tributaries pass through the Village of Jackson in Washington County into the Villages of Cedarburg and Grafton in Ozaukee County.

The land use in the Cedar Creek Watershed is approximately 55% agriculture, 16% urban, 16% wetlands/water, and 13% grassland and forests. WI DNR placed all 28 miles of Cedar Creek on Wisconsin's 303(d) Impaired Waters List, designating this stream as not meeting water quality standards. Agricultural runoff has been identified as one of the major contributors to water quality degradation in the Cedar Creek Watershed.

Cedar Creek Farmers - Improving Land for Cleaner Waters, intends to improve the quality of soil and water in the Cedar Creek watershed by: 1) providing education and outreach to area producers about the principles of soil health, soil improvement practices and water quality improvement conservation practices; 2) recruiting producers to apply for and install low-cost conservation BMPs to improve soil and water quality as part of the Cedar Creek Farmers incentive program; and 3) improving the image of agriculture by showcasing various locally implemented conservation practices to the non-farming community.

Meet the Cedar Creek Farmers Board

Upcoming Events

Cedar Creek Farmers - YouTube Video

The Cedar Creek Farmers (CCF) and Washington County Land Conservation recognized the need to bring together agribusiness, producers, and agriculture-focused organizations to cultivate dialogue within the watershed to elevate the collective performance of soil and water conservation. Washington County, with the assistance of Ozaukee County Land Resources, will aid in outreach and promotion of conservation practices to all farmers. Washington County will also provide in-kind technical assistance with the coordination of workshops, field days and meetings with producers and landowners in the Cedar Creek Watershed. These gatherings will discuss approaches to improving soil health and water quality protection. Grant support through DATCP and match dollars from private businesses will enable the producer-led council to provide incentive payments for local producers and landowners to install conservation practices on a low-key trial basis.