
The Operations Division of the Sheriff's Office covers a multitude of areas. It begins with calls to our Communications area, then to Detectives, and Patrol. It covers all aspects of traffic from speeding to OWI's. This division also is charged with maintaining County Ordinances, giving public notice of Sex Offenders, and running a Drug Unit investigation team.



At the center of communications for the county are the dispatchers staffing the Sheriff's Office 911 Dispatch Center. These dedicated communication professionals get you the help you need when you need it.

  • Information one










Drug Unit

You won't always see or hear what's going on when it comes to the Drug Unit. They need to keep a low profile in order to investigate and apprehend drug offenders in the county.


"Dedicated to Serve"
That phrase is displayed on our patrol squads as a daily reminder of our responsibility to provide citizens with the best service possible. The Deputies that patrol your community have a vested interest in keeping your county a safe place to work and live.

The Patrol Division is responsible for the day to day law enforcement functions of the Sheriff’s Office. A staff of 49 sworn Deputy Sheriffs are supervised by an Operations Captain, 6 Patrol Lieutenants and 4 Patrol Sergeants. In addition, 24 part-time Special Deputies provide contract security for area events and assist in the transport of prisoners.  For more information, please click here


WCSO front entry

Detective Bureau

Whether it’s a simple or complex case, Detectives work each day to put together the pieces that solve crimes in Washington County.

The Detective Bureau consists of a Lieutenant, six Detectives and two Investigators. Their primary mission is to investigate time-consuming, complex or specialized crimes that are not practical for patrol deputies to investigate.

For more information, please click here.