Child Run Over by Vehicle
Posted on 12/27/2021


Date: 12-27-2021

Case: 21-43322 Child Run Over by Vehicle

Authority: Sgt. Brad Rodich #417

On 12/27/2021 at 3:51pm, the Washington County Sheriff’s Office Communication Center received a 911 call from and Village of Richfield resident stating that a 3 year old child had just been run over by a vehicle, and that they were en route with the child to the Richfield Fire Department. Deputies began responding to the fire department and the scene.

Upon Rescue assessing the child, the child was found to be conscious and alert but suffering from potential crush injures. Richfield Fire subsequently requested Flight For Life to respond to the fire station. The child was ultimately transported to Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin via Flight for Life.

Upon initial investigation, it appears that family had been moving cars in the driveway when the child, who had been playing in the yard, approached the vehicle without he operators knowledge and became trapped under the moving vehicle and potentially run over by a tire. Another child alerted the driver who stopped and removed the child. At this time the incident appears to have been accidental in nature.

Investigating Deputies were later informed by medical staff that it appears the child suffered no significant injuries, but would be monitored overnight as a precaution.