
Our Great Community

Graduation cap image


High Quality Education

One of the primary reasons people live in and move to Washington County is the high-quality education institutions. Every year, these wonderful institutions produce some of the best and brightest students that the state of Wisconsin has to offer. 


Next Generation Housing

Filling the market void in our suburban/exurban communities, combined with compounding negatives of urban living, will bring our kids back home

Graphic of house

Image of briefcase

Employer Connection

Businesses throughout Washington County are experiencing major challenges in maintaining an adequate workforce and talent pipeline. Washington County is taking a leadership role to inspire to connect kids, to careers and employers, and then identify and overcome hurdles to keeping and bringing our kids home to live, work, and raise their families.



 Social Capital

Working together with leaders in government, nonprofit, religious, and business sectors, will help create a social capital initiative and build connections among individuals.

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Discover. Connect. Prosper.

Photo of Josh Schoemann






 "Washington County strives to cultivate its rich heritage, vibrant economy and attractive communities through the distinct values that define us."

Josh signature image

Link to County Executive

Our Mission

We create an environment for residents and businesses to enjoy our authentic quality of life through a well-governed and administered County dedicated to safe and secure communities economic growth and vitality effective mobility and reliable infrastructure and access to basic needs.

Mission Statement